Last Thursday 31 May we opened the doors of our NEDCON Innovation Centre to a select group of Structural Engineers and upcoming talents. During this event we gave the guests the opportunity to meet NEDCON.
Every day we develop fantastic, innovative and qualitative projects. For us it goes without saying that we work at this level on a daily basis. This is why it is good to share this knowledge as mentioned by Erik Lansink (Managing Director CFO NEDCON). Not only to inspire and inform others with our knowledge, but also to receive feedback from people outside our own organization.
The select group was informed about fatigue and failure mechanism of sigma profiles by Jan-Willem Frederiks (Manager Design Principles & Prototyping) and Beinte Groen (Structural Engineer). After the theoretical explanation, a combination was made with practice by carrying out various tests in our NEDCON Test Center under the guidance of Han Woerts (Prototyping Coordinator).
Speech Erik Lansink
Failure mechanism of sigma profiles test
After the informative part there was the opportunity to exchange ideas and talk with each other. It soon became clear that the guests had a great evening. Informative, inspiring and very surprising. On to the next exclusive NEDCON experience.